Birthday Blessings

Sunday, May 07, 2006

What a week!

This is the first time I have been able to get on the computer and write anybody! You see I am Fifty now and feeble! Actually just a Royal Clutz! My sisters, Chris and Carolyn came out for Our ( mine and Carolyn's) birthdays. And I wanted to take Carolyn someplace she has never been before so we went to the Redwoods. I love walking the Redwoods and I had planned to seek out new trails and new areas I ghadn't seen yet. That changed when we arrived at our hotel on Carolyn's birthday. Immediately after check in, which would be a while since Carolyn decided its our birthday and we needed a rom with a view.... well that wouldn't be ready for another 45 minutes, so we would go out and see the Lady Washington in the harbor as we waited. But first, we would go and see what our view will be. Hey Bobbie you wanta go see...of course! So across the parking lot we go and what is in the parkinglot? Landscaping bark. And what do I step on? Landscaping bark! The result.... I fell flat on my face, well actually my knee and Charlie McFroggypants who happened to be in the bib pocket of my overalls. It took a while before I was brave enough to let Carolyn help me up and once she and Mike got me to the car to sit down, Mike ran into the office to get a bag of ice, told them what happened and hey said they would fill out an incident report. So with ice on my knee we went to the tale ships (This is where Charlie McFroggypants will bail out on our adventure. ): Not wanting to spoil everyone's day since we had just arrived, we found me a stick so we could see the ocean and have dinner at the Samoa Cookhouse. After that we realized Charlie was missing and Mike would go back to the Tall ships and seach for him. We sat in the car laughing so hard as Mike searched for Charlie and explained to those who cared to ask that he was a missing six inch Gnome! After reviewing pictures,,,,we have come to the conclusion that Charlie McFrogypants having been smashed into the concrete between my boobs and falling off the lighthouse and breaking the top of his hat decided he wanted out of this ill fated adventure and jumped into the bay. We are hoping he will come home somedy as his name and address are on the bottom of his feet! But back to me....without Charlie we return to our room, refresh my ice sit me in the recliner and wonder what we should do about me... Not wanting to inconvience anyone I asked that we wait til morning so we tired the hottub and the ice. In the morning my knee could not and would not bend. So I took Carolyn to another place she has never been, the Urgent Care at General hospital in Eureka where they x-rayed my knee told me to stay off it, put it in a brace, gave me a shot and a pair of crutches and said get an MRI when you get home. ( I see my doctor on Monday to see If I need he MRI.) And yes since we are on vacation, Chris took pictures! We returned to he hotel told them what happened agian and they said they would fill out and accident report. Mike asked for a copy and they said NO! So with my tools and my shot (: and a perscription for painkillers, and The three Bears who have joined our adventure to replace and mourn the passing of Charlie McFroggy Pants we continue our adventure. Someplaces I will watch from the bench, some from the car, and some from a borrowed wheelchair (which I am positive Mike and Carolyn were using as a test car/rocket with me in it!). In our room, I could not use the jacuzzi I had dreamed of using because I could not bend to get in and out of it, so I would sit in the recliner. This became a place of great amusement for my sisters as they had created a Sister book for me for my birthday and made me read it outloud, blubbering all the way. It is filled with great memories and even greater love. Going Potty became an achievement of acrobatic wonder. Mastering the crutches is still avoiding me, no sense of rhythm ! So positioning me, the tv tray and the laptop is a wonder to behold. Forgive me for not writing sooner and acknwledging your love. I have fulfilled the family motto and Made a memory!
Once home, I was in awe and speechless of all that Heather and Mike had accomplished over the last few months. The decorations Chris had brought with her Heather had all over the house. SIgns were everywhere. My favorite was over our bed,it said Your motor is still running but the warranty has expired! All the cards, all the gift cards had me in tears and realizing what it was like to be on the other end of "Don't rob me of my blessing!" Really I was actually speechless! I was sure they had done all they could do to me when MIKE LIED TO ME! Yep he lied to ME! He said he had a job to do in the lower end of Paradise and instead went to Sacramento and picked up Colleen at the Airport! Colleen Daley from Samohi flew all the way from Hawaii to spend one day with me! One Day! I was blown away! She just laughed and laughed at the look on my face....Mike kept his distance!

Never has there been a Family like mine in all the world. My sisters are amazing and had me laughing and crying harder than I have in a while. My daughter has blessed me and made Proverbs 31 feel very real to me this week and my husband well, he lied to me, it will be a while before I can trust him again! (:

What a week! I wish you had been here. Than you too could have fixed my dinner, washed my dishes, done my laundry and brought me a glass of water! I am blessed to call you all family and to call you friends. How amazing you all are!

So from the couch in the livingroom God bless you! And from my heart, I love you!

It may be a while before I get back to the keyboard, Know I love you. I will send Pictures!
<>< Bobbie

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Tomorrow is the big day!

The kids and i have been over at Bubbe's decorating. she is in the redwoods with Pa, Aunt Chris and Aunt Carolyn. They are having a blast! But mom is on crutches!!!! you can be sure to get that story and the saga of Charlie McFroggypants when they get home.
When we came over i had to call grandpaw to do some emergency repairs. but it gave us an excuse for a lunch date!
Back to blowing balloons and hanging black crepe paper!